Random lyrics: Gimmie Ah Beat, Laugh At You, Nevehoe, Oh No, Party at the Liquor Store, Put My Life on It, Retaliate, Stick and Move, Trees And Woods, Ad Libitium, AS I FACE THE ETERNITY, As The Dove Falls Torn Apart, Denial, DENIAL THE WAY OF THE STRONG, Emotions Still Burn, Erased/Relived, Heartless, I Will Be Your God, IF EMOTIONS STILL BURN, INTO THE LAND OF DREAMS, Machine Supreme, MOURNFUL SERENADE, My Last Journey, MY REVENGE TO COME, Paradies, PLAGUE OF MINE, Retention Of Illusion, Rise Above The Storming Sea, Shrouded Are The Pleasures Of Flesh, Slit Wid Open, Slit Wide Open, Suicidal, SUICIDE, The Battle, THE RAIN THAT FALLS, The Return Of The Mighty Raven, THE TRUTH IS SOLD, Thou Shalt Forever Suffer, Where The Strong Live Forever, Capricho De Goya, DOCTA IGNORANCIA, Exortacion, INEXISTENCIA, MUTISMO ESPIRITUAL, SIGLOS DE DOLOR, Abnormaal, Algemeen Beskaafd Nederlanz, Alo Wa, Barbietrut, Blah Blah Blah,