Random lyrics: APPLES, IM HOME, BABYS GONNA DIE TONIGHT, BARTHOLEMEW, Bartholomew, Before My Bedtime, Bible Club, BLEEDING HEART (EP VERSION), Bluebirds, Broken Joystick, Bungee, Bunnyranch, CAN YOU SEE ME, Carolina, Choke On A Cock, Chubby Princess, COMPUTER SHOW, COMPUTER SHOW (EP VERSION), Country Road, Crackhouse Blues, DANCE WITH ME, DANCE WITH ME (EP VERSION), Down On The Street, Emily, Friends of Mine, Frozen in Time, Gemstones, Hard to Be a Girl, Hes The Brat, HER FATHER AND HER, Her father her, I Wanna Die, Jessica, Losing On A Tuesday, MOZZARELLA SWASTIKAS, Musical Ladders, MY SHADOW TAGS ON BEHIND, No Legs, Over The Sunrise, Salty Candy, Secret Tongues, Steak For Chicken, Teddy Boys, THE PRINCES BED, Times Are Bad, Were Not Supposed To Be Lovers, Whos your boyfriend, Big Star, City Boys Dream, Could Have Fooled Me, Dont Look the Other Way,