Random lyrics: Surfing On A Rocket (NoMo Heroes Mix), The Chosen One, The Vagabond, The Way You Look Tonight, The Word Hurricane, The Word Hurricane, The World Hurricane, Universal Traveler, Universal Traveller, Venus, Waiting Forever, Why, Wonder Milky Bitch, You Make It Easy, All I Need, Playground Love, You Make It Easy, Credits, A Place Where We Belong, After All, Aint It A Shame, Aint it a shameHit with the bug to run,, Aint It A Shame, All By Myself, All Out of Love, Always, American Hearts, Believe In The Supernatural, Believer, Big Cat, Black and Blue, Body Glove, Bread And Blood, Bread Blood, Bring Out The Magic, Cant Fight This Feeling, Cant Stop The Rain, Chances, Chances Are, Closer You And I, Come to Me, Come What May, Crazy Love, Dame Amor, Dancing With The Mountain, Do It Again, Do What You Do, Does It Matter, Dont Turn Me Away, Dont Be Afraid,