Song Lyrics Alan Jackson - When Daddy Let Me Drive    [Lyrics & Song Text Archive]
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Author/Artist/Singer: Alan Jackson
Music Title/Track: When Daddy Let Me Drive
Theme ID: 12118
Album: N/A

It was painted red
It's stripe was white
It was 18 feet
From the bow to the stern light
2nd hand from a dealer in Atlanta
I rode up with daddy
When he went there to get it
Put on a shine
Put on a motor
Built out of love
Made for water
Ran it for years
Till the transom got rotton
A piece of my childhood that'll never be forgotten
It was, just an old plywood boat
75 johnson with an electric choke
A young boy, two hands on the wheel
I cant replace the way it made me feel
And I would turn it shore line, and, make it wide
He'd say, ya can't beat the way an old boat rides
Just a little lake across the Alabama line
But I was king of the ocean, when daddy let me drive

Just an old 1/2 ton, short-bed Ford
My uncle bought new, in '64
Daddy got it right
Cause the engine was smokin'
Couple burnt valves and he had it goin'
He'd let me drive her when we'd haul off a load
Down a dirt strip, where we'd dump trash
Off of Thickpin Road

I would sit on the seat
And stretch my feet out to the pedals
Smiling like a hero that just received his medal
It was just an old hand-me-down ford
With a 3 speed on the column
A dent in the door

A young boy, 2 hands on the wheel
I can't replace the way it, made me feel
And I would press that clutch and I'd keep it right
He'd say a lil' slower son you're doin' just fine
Just a dirt road with trash on each side
But I was Mario Andretti
When daddy let me drive

Im grown up now 3 daughters of my own
I let 'em drive my old jeep
Cross the pasture at our home
Maybe one day they'll reach back in their file
And pull out that old memory
And think of me and smile, and say
Just an old worn out jeep
With rusty ole floor boards
And hot on my feet
A young girl, two hands on the wheel
I can't replace the way it, made me feel
And he'd say, turn it left now, and steer it right
Straighten up girl now, you're doin' just fine
Just a lil' valley by the river where we'd ride
But I was high on a mountain, when daddy let me drive
When daddy let me drive
When daddy lt me drive
Oh he'd let me drive
It was just an old plywood boat with a 75 johnson n'electric choke

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