Song Lyrics Amps, The - Dedicated    [Lyrics & Song Text Archive]
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Author/Artist/Singer: Amps, The
Music Title/Track: Dedicated
Theme ID: 20465
Album: N/A

If you wore one big mask
If you wore one big mask
You'd never get a chance to kick ass
You'd never get a chance to kick ass
Demons in the spring
Demons in the spring
I can hear them sing
I can hear them sing
'I'll be coming'
"i'll be coming"
Whenever no one follows, nope
Whenever no one follows, nope
Dedicated all to you (me)
Dedicated all to you (me)
Dedicated all to you (me)
Dedicated all to you (me)

Aaaaaaah hope you've got a minute
Aaaaaaah hope you've got a minute
Yeah, I'd love a minute of time
Yeah, i'd love a minute of time
Or they all go 'Fuck it if your winded'
Or they all go "fuck it if your winded"

You know, given me the rhyme
You know, given me the rhyme
Demons in the spring
Demons in the spring
I can hear them sing
I can hear them sing
'I'll be coming'
"i'll be coming"
Whenever no one follows, nope
Whenever no one follows, nope
Dedicated all to you (me)
Dedicated all to you (me)
Dedicated all to you (me)
Dedicated all to you (me)

Aaaaah, hope you've got a minute
Aaaaah, hope you've got a minute
Yeah, I've got a minute of time
Yeah, i've got a minute of time
For they all go, 'Fuck it if your wasted'
For they all go, "fuck it if your wasted"
You know, givin' me a rhyme
You know, givin' me a rhyme
Demons in the spring
Demons in the spring
I can hear them sing
I can hear them sing
'I'll be coming'
"i'll be coming"
Whenever no one follows, nope
Whenever no one follows, nope
Dedicated all to you (me)
Dedicated all to you (me)
Dedicated all to you (me)
Dedicated all to you (me)

Dedicated all
Dedicated all
Dedicated, dedicated, dedicated
Dedicated, dedicated, dedicated

If you wore one big mask
If you wore one big mask
You'd never get a chance to kick ass
You'd never get a chance to kick ass
De-mons in the spring
De-mons in the spring
I can hear them sing
I can hear them sing
'I'll be coming'
"i'll be coming"
Whenever no one follows, nope
Whenever no one follows, nope
Dedicated all to you (me)
Dedicated all to you (me)
Dedicated all
Dedicated all
As long as no one follows, nope
As long as no one follows, nope
The string things out for string
The string things out for string
So many for 'moi'
So many for "moi"
Dedicated all
Dedicated all
Dedicated, dedicated
Dedicated, dedicated

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