Random lyrics: Pequena Rosa, Puntos Cardinales, Qui a le Droit, Qui?n Dice, Tal Para Cual, Te He Querido Tanto, Una Cancion De Amor, Veinte Mariposas, Ya No Te Quiero, Yin Yang, Brez Naslova, Sonce, Zarat ?Ensk, A Screaming Breath, A World To Gain, Afraid To Feel, Annihilation Complete, Brotherhood?, Butchers Block, Butchers Block, Child Inside, Division, Dream Again, Driven, Explained Away, Far Too Long, Fighting Evil, Frigid Bitch, Grateful, I Love the World, Idle Hours, Imprisoned, Injustice, Killing My Mind, Misshapen Intent, My Souls Affliction, My Souls Affliction, Not Forgotten, Our Reunion, Paint a Picture, Present Tense, Quick To Doubt, R.O.T. (Reign Of Terror), Release, Sense of Will, Silent Crime, Something Real, Sound the Alarm, Still Black, Stop Me,