Random lyrics: Speed, Spread Your Fire, Sprouts Of Time, Stand Away, Stand Away 455, Stand Away [4:55], Streets Of Tomorrow, Streets Of Tomorrow 503, Streets Of Tomorrow [5:03], Temple Of Hate, The Number Of The Beast, The Parting Words, The Shadow Hunter, The Shaman, Time, Time 554, Time [5:54], Unfinished Allegro/Carry On, Unholy Wars, Visions Prelude, Vvvisions Prelude Opus 21 Chopin, Waiting Silence, Wasted Years, Winds Of Destination, Wings Of Reality, Wishing Well, Wuthering Heights, Wuthering Heights 438, Wuthering Heights [4:38], Wuthering Hights, Zito, Holding On, She Said (Tony Hawks Underground), Want Dead, Browntown Burning Down, Racially Debased, 202, Big Bang, Brand New Girl, Chainsaw Charlie, Drag Racing The Devil, Jawbone, Jesus, Please Come On Down, Life, Love, Death And The Meter Man, Meet My Maker, Mr. Undertaker, Poor Little Raccoon, Prison Walls, Racing The Train, The Creep,