Random lyrics: Seattle Was A Riot, Shes My Little Go Go Dancer, Shes My Little Go-Go Dancer, Smash It To Pieces, Sold As Freedom, Spazs House Destruction Party Live, Spazs House Destruction Party, Stars And Stripes, Start, Summer Squatter Go Gome, Summer Squatter Go Home, Tearing Down The Borders, Tearing Everyone Down, Thats Youth, The Consumers Song, The Freaks Nerds Romantics, The Freaks, Nerds, & Romantics, The Panama Deception, The School Of Assassins, The Truth, Their System Doesnt Work For You, They Dont Protect You, This Is Not A Crass Song, This Machine Kills Fascists, Turncoat, Twenty Years Of Hell, Underground Network, Until It Happens To You, Vieques Puerto Rico Bikini Revisited, Vieques, Puerto Rico: Bikini Revisited, Wake Up, Want An Anarchy, Watch The Right, We Dont Need It, We Want To Be Free, Weve Got His Gun, What About The Lonely, What You Dont Know, What You Dont Know, Whats The Difference?, When You Dont Control Your Government People Want, You Can Kill The Protester But You Cant Kill The, Youd Do The Same, Youd Do The Same (Die for your gouverment), Youll sceam tonight, Youll Scream Tonight, Youve Got To Die For The Government, Youve Gotta Die For Your Government, Youd Do The Same, Your Daddy Was A Rich Man,