Random lyrics: What About The Lonely, What You Dont Know, What You Dont Know, Whats The Difference?, When You Dont Control Your Government People Want, You Can Kill The Protester But You Cant Kill The, Youd Do The Same, Youd Do The Same (Die for your gouverment), Youll sceam tonight, Youll Scream Tonight, Youve Got To Die For The Government, Youve Gotta Die For Your Government, Youd Do The Same, Your Daddy Was A Rich Man, Your Daddy Was A Rich Man, Your Daddys Fucking De, Your Daddy Was A Rich Man, Your Daddys Fucking Dead, Your Daddy Was A Rich Man, Your Daddys Fukcing De, Youth And Tear Gas, Zapatista Dont Give Up, Anymore, Bankruptcy, Cyber Sweetie, Dialogue, Fell On Deaf Ears, Fortunes Fool, Friend, I Wanna Be Your Taxi Driver, Is He Your Boyfriend, Not The One, Ordinary, Our Band, Pointless Emotion, Question..., Shell Learn, Sorry From Your Friend, The Ides, You Looked Away, Fuck Hollywood, Distanced, Angelic, Dream, Everything You Know Is Wrong, Expire, Flowers, Holocaust, In Stone, Lights Out, Over Your Shoulder, Psalm, Reality Clash,