Random lyrics: Saga Of Eternity, The Crown Of Spring, The Glory Anthem, The Opening Incantation, The Rules Of Real Life, The World Where Shadows Come To Life, Under Bloody Sun, Victory Or Death, Whisper Of Time, Bafomet, Et Sorghetog, Fran Marder, Frana, Gava Fran Trulen, Hvila Pa Tronan Min, Kamps Tekn, Minir Natz Fyghlir, Pa Gruvstiigher Vandrum, Sangin Kaos, Skipu Vidit Dunkel, Svinna, Vm Kaos Gatvm Ok Kosmos, Yvir Min Diupe Marder, Ad Absurdum, Ad Astra, Alone, Deception Genesis, Du Nordavind, For To End Yet Again, Icebound Streams and Vapours Grey, Kinetic, La Masquerade Infernale, Master Of Disguise, Naar Kulda Tar, Naar Kulda Tar (Frostnettenes Prolog), Nightmare Heaven, Of Nails And Sinners, Painting My Horror, Radical Cut, Raudt Og Svart, Rdt og Svart, Roslashdt og Svart, Star-Crossed, The Bodkin The Quietus (To Reach The Stars), The Chaos Path, The Throne Of Tragedy, Throne Of Tragedy, To Thou Who Dwellest in the Night, Winter Grey, Wintry Grey,