Random lyrics: Sortilegio, Sue?os Del 95, Sueos Del 95, Sunos Del 95, Te Juro Que No, Transparente, Uno Lo Mio Y Lo Tuyo, ...In My Veins, Air, An Incarnations Dream, An Incarnations Dream, And the Psychic Saw, Animal, Beyond, Blood-Stained Prophecy, Bloodlust (Undead Trance), Brains, Displacement, Earth, Elements, Enthralled in Essence, Enthralled In Existence, Fire, Fractal Point, Green, I Deny, Life, Mineral, Mother Man, No Truth, On They Slay, Piece of Time, Room With a View, Samba Briza, See You Again, The Formative Years, Unholy War, Unquestionable Presence, Water, Why Bother, Your Lifes Retribution, Your Lifes Retribution, 12 Dev Adam, A New Religion?, AK MeK Yok, Apocalypse, Bak Taklmana, Bak Takylmana, BeyoLu, Dead Man Walkin,