Random lyrics: The Flag Will Cover Coffins, The Second Rape, The System Works For Them, The World Bank, They Ignore Peaceful Protest, This is Brainwash, Too Little, Too Late, Tuesday May 18, 1993, Two Years And One Song Later, Vietnam Is Back, Vietnam Is Back 94, Welfare Recipients, When You Support Those Fucking Bastards, Whos Calling The Shots?, World Bank, Xenophobia, B-lois, Gstanzln, Adrienne, Carol of the bells, Could It Be Any Harder, Final Answer, For You, Just That Good, Keep Your Hands To Yourself, London Calling, Lost, Nothings Changed, One, Stigmatized, Thank You, The One, Things Dont Always Turn Out That Way, Unstoppable, Were Forgiven, When It All Falls Down, Wherever You Will Go, Why Dont You and I, Buck Clayborn, Heres to Ya, Roger, I Don, I Dont Think I Want You Anymore, I Want To Be The One, Id Rather Have You, Invisible, Let That Poor Boy Sing, My New Old Friend, Southern Side Of Town, The Butterfly, When Ive Lost My Shine,