Song Lyrics Banks Tony - Sometime Never    [Lyrics & Song Text Archive]
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Author/Artist/Singer: Banks Tony
Music Title/Track: Sometime Never
Theme ID: 6086
Album: N/A

Sometimes I have to ask myself,
How it is that we survive,
We know trains, boats, planes and cars
Will sometimes fail,
And if one don't get you then the other one will,
And of the other don't get you then another one surely will.

Inside, your heart must keep on going,
And so must all the other parts too.
Illnesses and poisons lie in wait,
And if one don't get you the other one will,
And if the other don't get you then another one surely will.

I'm not just talking about the mountain climbers,
Jungle explorers or even hang gliders,
I'm not just talking about test pilots,
Steeplejacks, stuntmen or racing drivers.

Half the people in the world behave
Like they'd like to see the other half dead,
WIth guns and knives or perhaps just unconcern,
And if one don't get you the other one will,
And if the other don't get you then another one surely will.

I'm not just talking about the mountain climbers,
Jungle explorers or even hang gliders,
I'm not just talking about test pilots,
Steeplejacks, stuntmen or racing drivers.
I'm not just talking about lion tamers,
Human cannonballs or secret agents.
I'm not just talking about skydivers,
Trapeze artists or rodeo riders.
I'm not just talking about bounty hunters,
Astronauts, boxers or Billy Bunters

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