Random lyrics: Being for the benefit om mr Kite (take 7), Besame Mucho, Birthday, Blackbird, Blue jay way, Boys, Cant buy me love, Carol, Carry that weight, Chains, Clarabella, Come And Get It, Come together, Cry baby cry, Crying Waiting Hoping, Day Tripper, Dear Prudence, Devil In Her Heart, Dig a pony, Dig it, Dizzy miss lizzy, Do you want to know a secret, Doctor Robert, Dont bother me, Dont ever change, Dont Let Me Down, Dont pass me by, Dr. Robert, Drive my car, Eight days a week, Eight days a week (false starts), Eleanor rigby, Every little thing, Everybodys Got Something To Hide Except For Me An, Everybodys got something to hide exept for me and my mon, Everybodys trying to be my baby, Fixing a hole, For no one, For you blue, Free As A Bird, From Me To You, From us to you, Get Back, Getting Better, Girl, Glad All Over, Glass onion, Golden slubmers, Golden Slumbers, Good day sunshine,