Random lyrics: Dont pass me by, Dr. Robert, Drive my car, Eight days a week, Eight days a week (false starts), Eleanor rigby, Every little thing, Everybodys Got Something To Hide Except For Me An, Everybodys got something to hide exept for me and my mon, Everybodys trying to be my baby, Fixing a hole, For no one, For you blue, Free As A Bird, From Me To You, From us to you, Get Back, Getting Better, Girl, Glad All Over, Glass onion, Golden slubmers, Golden Slumbers, Good day sunshine, Good Morning Good Morning, Good night, Got to get it into my life, Got To Get You Into My Life, Hallelujah I Love Her So, Happiness is a warm gun, Hello Goodbye, Hello Little Girl, Help, Helter skelter, Her majesty, Here comes the sun, Here, there and everywhere, Hey buldog, Hey Bulldog, Hey Jude, Hey Jude (anthology), Hold me tight, Honey dont, Honey pie, How Do You Do It, I am the walrus, I Call Your Name, I dont want to spoil the party, I Feel Fine, I Fell Fine,