Random lyrics: Lovely Rita, Lucille, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, Maggie Mae, Maggie may, Magical mystery tour, Mailman Bring Me No More Blues, Martha my dear, Matchbox, Maxwells silver hammer, Mean Mr Mustard, Memphis Tennessee, Michelle, Misery, Money, Money (thats what I want), Moonlight Bay, Mother Natures Son, Mother natures sun, Mr. Moonlight, My Bonnie, No reply, No reply (Demo), Norwegian wood, Norwegian Wood (this bird has flown), Not a second time, Not guilty, Nothin Shakin, Nowhere man, Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da, Octopuss garden, Oh Darling, Oh! Darling, Old Brown Shoe, One after 909, One after 909 (false starts), Only a northern song, Ooh My soul, P.S. I love you, Paperback Writer, Penny Lane, Piggies, Please Mister Postman, Please mr. Postman, Please please me, Polythene pam, Rain, Real Love, Revolution, Revolution 1,