Random lyrics: Bleeding On The Floor, Christian Hate Mail, Creep, Crimson Dawn, Cruisin The Strip, Danger Brigade, Dear Beelzebubba, Dont Go Into The Woods, Fall Away, Fall Away The Bible Down Song, Father, From Me To You, Get a Life, Goodbye Cruel World, High, High 5, Hollywood (Is Burning Down), I Could Always Eat your Brain, Ill Show The World, Ill Show The World, Ill Talk To You Tomorrow, Joes Gonna Die, Joes Gonna Die, KGB, Little Gay Man, Merry Freakin Christmas, Merry Freakin Christmas, Misanthropy And The Full Moon, Movie Star, Puppet, Sheep Of The U.S., Sleep Around, Soul Stalker, Spoiled Brat, Sweet Little Grandma, The Apple Song, The Ballroom Blitz, The Night They Took You, The Proposal, When I Think About You, Why Cant I Be On Mtv, Why Cant I Be On Mtv, Blood Of A Diary, Girl Named Vegas, Love Will Kill All, Resilience In Time, Room With A View, Soft Lips And Headstones, Suicide Common, Back 2 Bust Again,