Random lyrics: Daring Daylight Escape, Faith My Eyes, God of Wonders, God Who Saves, Hands of the Potter, I Boast No More, I Just Dont Want Coffee, International Love Song, Ju Bu Neng Shi Qu Ni (Cant Lose You), Laden With Guilt, Lead of Love, Love Alone [100 Complete!], Love Is Different, Majesty, Manner and Means, MASQUERADE, Mistake Of My Life, Mother India, Mystery of Mercy, Never Gonna Let Go, Not Enough, Not the Land, Oh Lord Your Love, Only Hope, Petrified Heart, Piece of Glass, PREPARE YE THE WAY, Prove Me Wrong, Sarala, Share the Well, Shifting Sand, Somewhere North, Standing Up for Nothing, Stupid Kid, Table For Two, Thankful, The Danse, The Emptiest Day, The High Countries, The Innocents Corner, The Kingdom, THE ONLY ONE, The Roses, The Truth, There You Go, Theres Only One (Holy One), This World, Thousand Miles, Thy Mercy, VALLEYS FILL FIRST,