Random lyrics: Toward(s) The Thornfields, Transilvanian Hunger, Triumphant Gleam, Under A Funeral Moon, Unholy Black Metal, Weakling Avenger, Where Cold Winds Blow, Wreak, Ytterst I Livet, A Bolt Of Blazing Gold, Alone, Atom Heart 243.5, Atom Heart 243.5, Away, Delight, Away, Constant, Crimson Winds, Dissolution Factor Red, Dreamlore Degenerate, Hedon, In Tears Bereaved, Insanitys Crescendo, My Faeryland Forgotten, Nightfall By The Shore Of Time, Of Chaos Eternal Night, Scythe Rage Roses, Scythe, Rage And Roses, Shadow Duet, Skywards, Still Moving Sinews, Through Ebony Archways, Tidal Tantrum, Tongues, With The Flaming Shades Of Fall, Zodijackyl Light, Fabric, Of Melancholy Burning, A Bolt Of Blazing Gold, Alone, At Loss For Words, Atom Heart 243.5, Atome Heart 2435, Auctioned, Away, Delight, Away, Beyond Enlightenment, Cathode Ray Sunshine, Constant, Cornered, Crimson Winds, Damage Done, Day To End,