Random lyrics: Everything Is Gonna Be Cool This Christmas, Eyes Down, Fashion Awards, Fitting In With The Misfits, Flower, Flyswatter, Fresh Feeling, Friendly Ghost, Fucker, Funeral Parlor, Funeral Parlor (ls:tt B-side), Funeral Parlor (LSTT b-side), Going To Your Funeral Part I, Grace Kelly Blues, Guest List, Hello Cruel World, Her, Hidden Track, Hospital Food, I Like Birds, I Need Some Sleep, I Write The B-Sides, Ive Been Kicked Around, If I Was Your Girlfriend, Its A Beautiful Day, Its a Motherfucker, Jeannies Diary, Jennifer Eccles, Jennifer Ecles, Jungle Telegraph, L A River, Last Stop This Town, Last Stop: This Town, Lone Wolf, Looking Out The Window With A Blue Hat On, Love Of The Loveless, Manchester Child, Manchester Girl, Manchild, Mass, Mental, Mighty Fine Blues, Mockingbird Franklin, Most Unpleasant Man, Mr. Es Beautiful Blues, MrEs Beautiful Blues, My Beloved Monster, My Descent Into Madness, My Old Raincoat, Not Ready Yet,