Random lyrics: If I Die, Intro, Intro (Lost), Like Dat, Live This, Mr. Big, My First Love, My Homeboys Girlfriend, No Sellout, Pure Uncut, Pure Uncut Remix, Put Tha House on It, Put Your Hands Up, Slab Rider, Spit, Starships and Rockets, Stompin And Pimpin, Stripes, Thorn, Time, Witcha Lookin Ass, Ya Blind, Anotha Day in Tha Hood, Armed Robbery, Ballin Gs, Break-A-Bitch College, Collard Greens, Coming Out Hard, Daylight, Dont Flex, In the Wind, Jankie, Just Like Candy, Lets Ride, Listen To Me Now, Mr. Big, Niggaz Like Us, No Mercy, Nobody But Me, Not Tonight, On The Outside Lookin In, Pimp Hard, Pimp In My Own Rhyme, Pimps, Pimps In The House, Playerz Night Out, Reason For Rhyme, Space Age Pimpin, We Started This, Who Can You Trust?,