Random lyrics: Dance Epidemic, Dance-A-Thon 2005, Danger High Voltage, Devil Nights, Electric Demons in Love, Future Boys, Future Is in the Future, Gay Bar, Getting into the Jam, I Invented the Night, Im The Bomb, Improper Dancing, Jimmy Carter, Naked Pictures (Of Your Mother), Nuclear War (On the Dance Floor), Pleasing Interlude No1, Radio Ga Ga, Rock and Roll Evacuation, Shes White, Synthesizer, Taxi to Nowhere, The Living End, Vengeance And Fashion, Vibrator, Aerial Roots, Biting The Soles Of My Feet, Biting The Soles Of My Feet (Same Way Every Day), Broadcast, Bruxellisation, Chaos, Empty At The End, Existing, Headacheville, Holes In The Wall, Its Wasting Me Away, Its Wasting Me Away, Lights Out, Lose Yr Frown, Louse Your Frown, Mood Swing, On The Wires, Poems, Red Balloon For Me, Silent To The Dark, Sleep Alone, Somethings Got To Give, Somethings Got To Give, Start Again, Stay Where You Are, Stop,