Random lyrics: Bottle Rocket, Color Blind, Couple Of The Month, Fourth Floor, Future Like Ours, Goodnight New York, High Tide, Maybe Someday, One For The Road, Sampling Salvation, Baby, Surrender To The Clique, Sweet Dreams Cafe, The Insurect Years, To Whom It May Concern, I Want You, BLIND FAITH, BULLDOG, CONCRETE HAMMERHEAD, Dead Man, Downcast, FACELESS, Feeder, LEAD POISONING, OCTANE JESUS, Pig Face Liar, Pig-Face Liar, ROACH LIST, STRENGTH TO OVERCOME, 1,000 X, 1,000 X ( A Thousand Times ), 10 9 8, 10-9-8, 1000 X ( A Thousand Times ), 14 Hours, A Ok, A Thousand Times, A, Pathetic, A-Ok, As Forever As You, Best Defense, Big Choice, Bill Of Goods, Blind, Blister In The Sun, Blue Christmas, Bottle Rockets, Burden, Cant Change The World, Cant Change The World, Chesterfield King,