Random lyrics: Body Hammer, Demanufacture, Dog Day Sunrise, Flashpoint, H-K (Hunter-Killer), New Breed, Pisschrist, Replica, Self Bias Resistor, (Memory Imprints) Never End, Acres Of Skin, Back The Fuck Up, Byte Block, Damaged, Digimortal, Hurt Conveyor, Invisible Wounds (Dark Bodies), Linchpin, No One, 0-0 (Where Evil Dwells), Cars, Concreto, Descent, Edgecrusher, Freedom or Fire, Hi-Tech Hate, Messiah, Obsolete, Resurrection, Securitron (Police State 2000), Shock, Smasher/Devourer, Soulwound, Arise Above Oppression, Big God/Raped Souls, Crash Test, Crisis, Desecrate, Escape Confusion, Flesh Hold, Leechmaster, Lifeblind, Manipulation, Martyr, Scapegoat, Scumgrief, Self Immolation, Suffer Age, Dead Man Walking, Hurt Conveyer,