Random lyrics: Cut-Out, Cut-Out, Girl, I Like It, IN 2 AGAIN, In The Aisle, Yelling, Jobs Eyes, Joining The Circus, Less, Love, American Style, Man O The Year, Media, MOTHER MARY, NESTLE, Punchdrunk, Quick, Really here, Seasick, Sorrows End...., System, The System, WAITING FOR SUNDAY, Water Solutions, Wear It So Well, What Ive Wanted To Say, YOU WEAR IT SO WELL, Angel (way out of dark), Blister In The Sun, Dear Queen, Lately, Sad Song, Afraid Of Fear, Alone At The Movies, Ashes, Every Hour, For One Reason Or Another, ID Tell You But ID Have To Kill You, If She Could Do The Same, Is She Could Do the Same, Liar Liar, Light A Match, Push The Button, Raining Bullets, Say A Prayer, Start The Circus, Stormy Skies And Bloodshot Eyes, The Partys Over, The Tallest Tale, Whats Done Is Dead, Alien Playground,