Random lyrics: Baby Dont Go, FOLLOW ME UP TO CARLOW, Feels Like Heaven, Cigarette, Everybody Lies, Everything Will Never Be OK, Fallow, Hate, I Wish I Would Die, If Only, Listen To My Babe, Real Real, Sickness, Silence, Soldier Machismo, Wise, Onde Andas, Prazer, Matchmaker Matchmaker, SUNRISE SUNSET, Tevyes Dream (the dream sequence), To Life!, ANNABEL LEE, Blarney Roses, Burn The Bridges, Connemara, DAYS OF YORE, DONT TURN AWAY, Fiddlers Green, Lanigans Ball, Lanigans Ball, Matty Groves, MIDNIGHT RAMBLER, Star Of The County Down, The Mermaid, Day Trip To Bangor, My Babys Gone, Bla, Bla, Bla, Boricua En La Luna, Buscando Guayaba(R. Blades), CVND, De Pecho, Desde El Comienzo, El Panal, El Wanabi, El Wanabi: (Tito Auger)...Duracion:5:08, Elipsis De Una Fuga, Indogmatizacion, La f?bula de los tres hermanos, Los Superheroes: (Tito Auger)...6:49,