Random lyrics: Do What You Do, Electricity Through Space, Falling Down, Faster Faster, Fist Of Regret, Four Men, Freak, Future Fugitives, Generals, Get Out Of The City, Give Me Fire, Gunned Down, Gunning for the President, Guns Guitars, Ha Ha, Hearing Screams (For the Last Time), Heavy Discipline, Hellhole, High Octane Fuel, Hit The Deck, Horror Story, How Come, I Am the Hunted, I Feel Alright, I Shot The Marshall, I Want To Believe, Infected, Iroquois, Junkies, Just In Time For The Epilogue, Knife Edge, Limpwristed, Lost In The Fog, Lycanthropy, Makin Whips, Malice in Wonderland, Man Trap, Maniac, Mass Production, Midnight Madness and Beyond, Moonshine Song, Necrophilia, Needle In A Haystack, New Decade, No One Cares, No Survivors, Nocturnal Journal, Pass the Axe, Passenger On The Menu, Pins Needles,