Random lyrics: Kick Drum, Kiss and Tell, Lay Down The Law, Leaving the City, Love, Loving Me, Lying in The Park, Making Amends, Milk And Cereal, My Mere, Nancy, Night of the Living Dead, No Turning Back, Numbers, On 9-11-01, Parasite, Praise up, Pull The Wool, Recipe, Relax, Rhyme For The Summertime, Rise Above, Roaches, Rock and Roll, Rodeo Clowns, Shooting Hoops, Shy Girl, Slipped Away, Slipped Away (The Ballad of Lauretha Vaird), Small Fish, Soda Pop, Some Peoples Like That, Sometimes, Stepping Stones, Stone Me, Sweet River, Sweet Sugar Momma, Take You There, The Things That I Used To Do, Tomorrow Night, Town to Town, Two Birds, Unified, Waiting, Walk To Slide, When We Meet Again, Willow Tree, You Shall See, Meet me halfway, 5 Stunt 101,