Random lyrics: On The Air, Only Us, Perspective, Quiet Steam, Red Rain, San Jacinto, Schnappschuss Ein Familienfoto, Schock Den Affen, SECRET WORLD, Shaking The Tree, Shock The Monkey, Signal To Noise, Sky Blue, Sledgehammer, Slowburn, Solsbury Hill, Spiel Ohne Grenzen, Steam, THAT VOICE AGAIN, The Barry Williams Show, The Drop, The Family And The Fishing Net, The Rhythm Of The Heat, This Is The Picture, Und Durch Den Draht, Waiting For The Big One, Walk Through The Fire, Wallflower, Washing Of The Water, WE DO WHAT WERE TOLD, White Shadow, Down The Dolce Vita, Excuse Me, Here Comes The Flood, Humdrum, Modern Love, Moribund The Burgermeister, Slowburn, Solsbury Hill, Animal Magic, D.I.Y., Exposure, Flotsam And Jetsam, Indigo, Mother Of Violence, On the Air, Perspective, Home Sweet Home, And Through The Wire, Biko,