Random lyrics: Robbery, Assault And Battery, Robbery Assault Battery, Robbery, Assault & Battery, Run Out Of Time, SAY ITS ALLRIGHT JOE, Say Its Alright Joe, Say Its Allright Joe, Say Its Alright Joe, SCENES FROM A NIGHT DREAM, Scenes From A Nights Dream, Scenes From A Nights Dream, Seven Stones, Shes So Beautiful, Shes So Beautiful (Early demo - Only on new release of, Shes So Beautiful (Early demo - Only on new release of F, Shepherd, Shes So Beautiful, Shipwrecked, Sign Your Life Away, Silent Sun, Silver Rainbow, Since I Lost You, Small Talk, Snowbound, Squonk, Stagnation, Suppers Ready, Suppers Ready, Taking It All Too Hard, TALKING IT ALL TOO HARD, Tell Me Why, Thats All, Thats Me, Thats All, ThatS Me, The Arrival, The Battle Of Epping Forest, THE BATTLE OF EPPING FORREST, The Carpet Crawl, The Carpet Crawlers, The Chamber Of 32 Doors, The Cinema Show, The Colony Of Slippermen, The Conqueror, The Dividing Line, THE DIVING LINE, The Fountain Of Salmacis, The Grand Parade Of Lifeless Packaging, The Guaranteed Eternal Sanctuary Man, Knife, The,