Random lyrics: Tes Gestes, Dance With Me Henry (wallflower), Happiness Street, I Want You To Be My Baby, Kiss Of Fire, Sieben Einsame Tage, Tweedlee Dee, All Over But The Cryin, Almost Saturday Night/Rockin All Over The World, Anna Lee, Another Chance, Baby So Fine, Battleship Chains, Bottle O Tears, Bring Down The Hammer, Cant Stand The Pain, Cool Inside, Crazy, Dan Takes Five, Days Gone By, Deep in the Heart of Dixie, Dont Pass Me By, Dont Pass Me By, Down and Down, Down Down, Dunk n Dine, Every Picture Tells a Story, Games People Play, Golden Light, Hand to Mouth, Hard Luck Boy, Hippy Hippy Shake, I Dunno, Keep You Hands To Your Self, Keep Your Hands To Yourself, Let It Rock, Let It Rock (Bye Bye Johnny), Mon Cherie, My Baby, My Fault, Nights of Mystery, Open All Night, Over and Over, Over Over, Railroad Steel, Rain, Red Light, Running Out, Saddle Up, Shake That Thing,