Random lyrics: Iou, Look What We Made (When We Made Love), Mornin Ride, Ring on Her Finger and Time on Her Hands, Ring on Her Finger, Time on Her Hands, Shes Lying, Somebodys Gonna Love You, Someone, The Battle Hymn Of The Republic, The Great Defenders, Touch and Go Crazy, A Moment To Myself, Boo, Caligula, Come Together, Demons, Do Something, Dont Come Around, Every Now and Then, Forgiveness, Freak Like Me, Gimme All Your Lovin or I Will Kill You, Happiness, Harry, Hey Young World, Pt. 2, I Cant Wait to Meetchu, I Try, Ive Committed Murder, It Aint The Money, Jesus for a Day, Love Is Gonna Get You, My Fondest Childhood Memories, Oblivion, Relating to a Psychopath, Screamin, Sex-O-Matic Venus Freak, Sexual Revolution, She Aint Right for You, She Dont Write Songs About You, Speechless, Still, Sweet Baby, The Letter, Things That Made Me Change, When I See You, Why Didnt You Call Me, Electric Boogie, I Shall Sing, Truly, Always Will,