Random lyrics: Hamtaro Theme Song 1, Hamtaro Theme Song 2, Hamtaro Time (English Opening), Leef, Cant Hide Your Love, Children Need A Helping Hand, 04 Chorus: and the Glory of the Lord, 11 Air for Bass: the People That Walked in Darkness, 12 Chorus: for Unto Us a Child is Born, 15 Recitative For Soprano And The Angel Said Unto Them, 19 Recitative for Alto: then Shall the Eyes of the Blind, 20 Air For Alto He Shall Feed His Flock Like A Shepherd, 22 Chorus: Behold the Lamb of God, 43 Air for Tenor: Thou Shalt Break Them, 44 Chorus: Hallelujah!, 51 Chorus: but Thanks Be to God, 52 Air for Soprano: if God Be for Us, 53 Chorus: Worthy is the Lamb That Was Slain, Deutschland, A Change, Blown, Cor De Um Dia, Gift To None, Insignificance, Mais Uma Musa, My Wonder Moon, Silent Speech, Som Da Rua, Tao Perto E Tao Longe, The Endless Road, Tudo O Que Eu Te Dou, Um Destino, Got Me Open, Dim The Lights, All Right, Angels On High, Back Into Action, Barbecue, Bette Davis Eyes, Bring It On, Devil In You, Everything, Games, Hard Living Clean, Hello Somebody, I Fall Down, Liquor Store, Makin Money, Makin Money, New Thing,