Random lyrics: Ich Habs Versucht, Kriegstanz, Lamm Gottes, Leg Nicht Auf, Maumlnnergebet, Mit Leib Und Seele, MNnergebet, Nonstop, TausenschN, Tausenschoumln, Was Wirklich Zaumlhlt, Was Wirklich ZHlt, Wenn Du Nicht Wiederkommst, Wunderkinder, AMAZONAS MAMBO, ICH BRECH DIE HERZEN DER STOLZESTEN FRAUN, LIEBER GUTER HERR GERICHTSVOLLZIEHER, Angel, Cant Lose With You, Chasing Shadows, Never Got Over You, Once In A Lifetime, The Way It Is, Alone Again, AND....dogro lived on, Another Candle, Cacophony Of Anger, Crossing The Border, Cry For Rome, Decorated, Dragons Lair, Hands Of Destiny, Just Imagine, Keeper Of The Reign, Master Of Invasion, Nightmare, One Small Voice, Questions, Running From The Thunder, Screaming, Tear Down The Walls, The Cloak, The Fifth Season, The Haunting, The Servant, The Sound Of Silence, Tomorrow Night, Two Hearts, We, The People, Young Forever,