Random lyrics: Ungkars-Livet Rauk, Second Deal, Aggressor, All tracks, Horus/Aggressor, HorusAggressor, Massacra, Messiah, Revelations Of Doom, The Third Of The Storms (Evoked Damnation), Triumph Of Death, Defender of Metal, Gladiator, Hellish War, Memories of a Metal, Sacred Sword, The law of the Blade, The Sign, We are living for the Metal, Vackert V?Der, Vara V?Nner, Games Up, Let It Rock, Love Stealer, New York Groove, Star Studded Sham, Tell Him, Its Beginning To Smell A Lot Like Christmas, Paperbag Princess, The Time To Make It Good, Before the Parade Passes By, Dancing, Finale, Hello, Dolly!, I Put My Hand In There, It Only Takes A Moment, It Takes a Woman, Love, Look In My Window, Motherhood, Prologue - Call On Dolly, Prologue-Call On Dolly, Put On Your Sunday Clothes, Ribbons Down My Back, So Long Dearie, World, Take Me Back, All Time Lows, Angie, Bonnie Taylor Shakedown 2k1, Bonnie Taylor Shakedown 2k4, Call And Return,