Random lyrics: Wild N Free, Wild East, Wild n Free, Womens Intuition, You Nearly Did Me In, You Stepped Into My Dreams, At Seventeen, Between The Lines, Bigger Than Real, BOY I REALLY TIED ONE ON, Bright Lights And Promises, Dance With Me, Dear Billy, Down And Away, From Me To You, Get Ready To Roll, I Believe Im Myself Again, I Remember Yesterday, IN THE WINTER, Light A Light, LOVERS LULLABYE, Lovers Lullabye, Passion Play, Restless Eyes, ROSES, SILLY HABITS, Societys Child, SOME PEOPLE, STARS, Sugar Mountain, SWEET SYMPATHY, Tea and Sympathy, Tea Sympathy, The Come On, THIS MUST BE WRONG, Under The Covers, Watercolors, WHEN THE PARTYS OVER, When the Partys Over, I Believe In Love, Let Me Take Your Love, Shake It, Proud To Fall, Sliding, Caroline, As The Days Go By, Captured In Your Dreams, Coming Home, Goodnight Mrs. Calabash, Harmony,