Random lyrics: Wardaemonic Overkill, Anthem For The Afflicted, Born To Suffer, Dont Kiss My Grave, Dying I Live, Evilization, Extreme Pestilence, Facing The Nails, Haven (A Leap In The Dark), Inside, Painted Soul, The Failed Paradise, Free To Go, Always Have, Always Will, Back For The Attack!, Connecticut, Conneticut, Decompression/Debilitation, DecompressionDebilitation, Descriptive Essay, 100 Words, Disintegration (Is The Best Album Ever), Eightball, Enter/Return, EnterReturn, Erin With An E, Everyday, Face-First, Fat Boy, Frances, Gone 4 Good, Hey You Kids, Kamikaze, Leave No Man Behind, Long Way From Long Time Since, Never Say Goodbye, Oh, Angelina, Oxygen, Plan B, Priorities Intact, Simon, So Much, Something Fierce, Sound Of Forever, Sound Of Forever-Even Stevens, Stand Up/Fall Down/Get Crushed, Stand UpFall DownGet Crushed, Stopping Sound, The Week Of August 1st, This Is F*Cking Tragic, This Is Fuckin Tragic,