Random lyrics: Basic Brian, Billys Shirts, Black Hole, Blue Pastures, Born of Frustration, Bottom Of The Well, Bring a Gun, Building A Fire, Burned, Chain Mail, Charlie Dance, China Girl, Come Home, Crash, Destiny Calling, Dont Wait That Long, Dont Wait That Long, Dream Thrum, Dream Up Tomorrow, Dumb Jam, English Beefcake, Everybody Knows, Fairground, Fall In Love With Me, Falling Down, Fine, Five-O, Five-O, Fred Astaire, Frequency Dip, Gaudi, Getting Away With It, Getting Away With It (All Messed Up), Give It Away, Go to the Bank, Goal Goal Goal, God Only Knows, Gold Mother, Goverment Walls, Government Walls, Greenpeace, Hang On, Heavens, Hello, Holler, Homeboy, How Was It for You?, Hymn From A Village, I Defeat, I Know What Im Here For,