Random lyrics: City Song, Classic Girl, Everybodys Friend, Had A Dad, Hypersonic, I Would For You, Idiots Rule, Idiots Rule, Jane Says, Jane Says (In Nothings Shocking), Just Because, Kettle Whistle, Mountain Song, My Cats Name Is Maceo, My Time, No Ones Leaving, Obvious, Ocean Size, Of Course, Pigs In Zen, Pigs In Zen, Price I Pay, Rock And Roll, Rock N Roll, Slow Divers, So What!, Standing In The Shower Thinking, Standing In The Shower...Thinking, Stop!, Strays, Suffer Some, Summertime Rolls, SuperHero, Sympathy, Sympathy For The Devil, Ted Just Admit It, The Price I Pay, The Riches, Then She Did, Three Days, To Match The Sun, Trip Away, True Nature, Whores, Wrong Girl, 1, Aint No Right, Aint No Right (Live), Been Caught Stealing, Been Caught Stealing (Outtake),