Random lyrics: Billys Blues, Blackpatch, Blowing Away, Broken Rainbow, Brown Earth, Buy And Sell, California Shoeshine Boys, Captain Saint Lucifer, Child in a Universe, Christmas In My Soul, Elis Comin, Embraceable You, Emmie, Flim Flam Man, Gibsom Street, Good By Joe, Goodbye Joe, Hes A Runner, I Met Him On A Sunday, I Never Meant To Hurt You, Its Gonna Take A Miracle, La-La (Means I Love You), Lazy Susan, Lazy Suzan, Lite a Flame (The Animal Rights Song), Lonely Women, Lu, Luckie, Map To The Treasure, Mr. Blue, New York Tendaberry, Oh Yeah Maybe Baby (The Heebie Jeebies), Poverty Train, Save The Country, Serious Playground, Smile, Stoned Soul Picnic, Stoney End, Sweet Blindness, Sweet Dream Fade, The Confession, Timer, To a Child, Tom Cat Goodby, Triple Goddess Twilight, Up On The Roof, Upstairs by a Chinese Lamp, Walk the Dog and Light the Light (Song of the Road), Wedding Bell Blues, When I Was A Freeport And You Were The Main Drag,