Random lyrics: I Want to Burn Again, Im A Party, In The Dark, Model Worker, Motorcade, My Mind Aint So Open, My Tulpa, Naked Eye, Parade, Permafrost, Philadelphia, Recoil, Rhythm of Cruelty, Shot by Both Sides, So Lucky, Stuck, Suburban Rhonda, Sweetheart Contract, Talk To The Body, Thank You, Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin), The Book, The Great Beautician In The Sky, The Great Mans Secrets, The Honeymoon Killers, The Light Pours Out Of Me, The Operative, This Poison, Touch And Go, Touch Go, TV Baby, Twenty Years Ago, Upside Down, Vigilance, Wide Open Road, Wowwy, You Never Knew Me, A Social Marginal, Another Burning, Breaking these circles, Crucible, Estadium Nacional, Friends Of America, Gameface, Impact 1 - Fate Speaks, Impact 1-Fate Speaks, Impact 2 - Fading Fast, Impact 2-Fading Fast, Impact 3 - No Returning, Impact 3-No Returning,