Random lyrics: Someday Well Know, High Flying Adored, 5-4-3-2-1, Angels At My Gate, Blinded By The Ligh, Belle Of The Earth, Come Tomorrow, Demolition Man, Do Wah Diddy, Do Wah Diddy Diddy, Dont Kill It Carol, For You, Fox On The Rum, Fox On The Run, Got My Mojo Workin, Ha! Ha! Said The Clown, Hollywood Town, Hubble Bubble (Toil And Trouble), If You Gotta Go, Go Now, IN THE BEGINNING DARKNESS, Lies ( Through The 80s), Mighty Quinn, Mighty Quinn (Quinn the Eskimo), My Little Red Book, Oh No Not My Baby, One in the Middle, Pretty Flamingo, Ragamuffin Man, Resurrection, Runner, Sha La La, SOLAR FIRE, Spirit In The Night, Spirits in the Night, The Mighty Quinn (Quinn The Eskimo), Theres No Living Without Your Loving, Theres No Living Without Your Loving, Up the Junction, Waiting For The Rain, With God On Our Side, Without You, You Angel You, You Are - I Am, You Are-I Am, You Gave Me Somebody to Love, Adolescent Dream, Africa Suite, Angels At My Gate, Banquet, Billies Orno Bounce (Including Billies Bounce),