Random lyrics: Count To 6 And Die (The Vacuum Of Infinite Space Encompassing), The Nobodies Acoustic Version, Cryptorchid, Bright Young Things, Golden Age Of Grotesque, Obsequey (The Death Of Art), Five To One, Suicide Is Painless, Cryptorchild, The Reflecting God, Last Day On Earth, A Rose And Baby Ruth, Strange Same Dogma, White Knuckles, Count To 6 And Die, President Dead, Thrift, An Open Letter to the Lyrical Trainspotter, Anti Everything, Been Here Before, Being a Girl, BEING A GIRL (PARTS ONE TWO) LIVE, Being a Girl Live, Being A Girl Part One, But The Trains Run on Time, Butterfly, BUTTERFLY (A NEW BEGINNING), Cancer, Check Under The Bed, Church of The Drive Thru Elvis, Closed For Business, Comes As No Surprise, Dark Mavis, DARK MAVIS (ACOUSTIC), Decisions, Decisions, Disgusting, Drastic Sturgeon, DRASTIC STURGEON (LIVE), Egg Shaped Fred, EGG SHAPED FRED (ACOUSTIC), Egg-Shaped Fred, Electric Man, ELECTRIC MAN (ACOUSTIC VERSION), ELECTRIC MAN (SINGLE EDIT), Everyone Must Win, Fall Out, Flourella, Fool, Forgive Me, G S O H,