Random lyrics: Rebel Without a Quilt, REPAIR MAN, Serotonin, She Makes My Nose Bleed, SHE MAKES MY NOSE BLEED (ACOUSTIC), Shotgun, Six, Six (Arthur Baker Remix), SIX (SINGLE VERSION), Ski Jump Nose, SKI JUMP NOSE (ACOUSTIC), SKI JUMP NOSE (LIVE), Skin Up Pin Up, Soundtrack 4 2 Lovers, Spasm of Identity, Special/Blown It (Delete as Appropriate), SPECIALBLOWN IT (DELETE AS APPROPRIATE), Stripper Vicar, STRIPPER VICAR (LIVE), Strippervicar, Take It Easy Chicken, Take It Easy Chicken (live), Taxloss, Television, The Chad Who Loved Me, The Drifters, The Duchess, The Edge, The Gods of Not Very Much, The Greatest Pain, THE HOLY BLOOD AND THE HOLY GRAIL, The Holy Blood The Holy Grail, The Impending Collapse of It All, THE IMPENDING COLLAPSE OF IT ALL (ACOUSTIC), The Most to Gain, Thief, Things Keep Falling off Buildings, Until The Next Life, Untitled, Untitled Hidden Track, Vision Impaired, WE ARE THE BOYS, When The Wind Blows, Wide Open Space, WIDE OPEN SPACE (ACOUSTIC)BLEED, Wide Open Space (Oakenfold Mix), WIDE OPEN SPACE (THE PERFECTO REMIX), Wide Open Space Bleed, Witness to a Murder, Witness To A Murder (part Two),