Random lyrics: Where You Are, A Song For My Daughter, Angelsong, Baby King, Bits and Pieces, Bits Pieces, Blow On Chilly Wind, Burning Bed, Dont Talk To Her At Night, Dont Talk To Her At Night, Fallen Angel, Fallen Angels, Far Away, Nearby, Fever, From The Station, I Hope That I Dont Fall In Love, I Surrender, If I Were an Angel, Isnt That So, Let Me Be Your Witness, Maoz Tzur (Rock of Ages), Mamas In The Moon, Mamas in the Moon, Man of the World, Maoz Tzur (Rock of Ages), Medicine Man, My Great Erscape, My Great Escape, Nowhere Fast, Old Soldier, One Safe Place, One Thing Of Beauty, Paper Walls, Rest for the Weary, Shes Made of Yesterdays, Shes Becoming Gold, Shes Becoming Gold, Street Of Windows, Take Me To Hamburg, The Calling, The Days, The Rainy Season, The Things Weve Handed Down, Three Steps Down, True Companion (live), Valley Of The Kings, Walk Through the World, Walking In Memphis, Youre a Shadow, Down the Line Joint,