Random lyrics: Cut Up, Grey Cell Green, Happy, I Want It Over, Intact, Kill Your Television, Legoland, Less Than Useful, Not Sleeping Around, Nothing Like, Premonition, Selfish, Song Eleven Could Take Forever, Spring, Stuck, Suave And Suffocated, Swallowing Air, Talk Me Down, Tantrum, Throwing Things, To Be Right, Traffic, Two And Two Made Five, Until You Find Out, Victim, Walking Through Syrup, What Gives My Son, Who Goes First, You, You Dont Want To Do That, Your Complex, Your Only Joke, Tonight, Baby Momma Faeturing Marques Houston, Dont Drink the Water, Family Tree, Mecca to Watts, My Soul Good, No Nonsense, Revolving Into Zero, Ruff Shit, Trouble in Paradise, La Mia Signorina, Prima Di Andare Via, Melt (The Catching of the Butterfly), Pazuzu (Black Rain), Penetration, Shine, Still Life, Venus,