Random lyrics: Youre Invited but Your Friend Cant Come, (When Youre On) The Losing End, 12, 8 Blues (All The Same), 4-way Street Medley, A Dream That Can Last, After Berlin, After The Goldrush, Aint It The Truth, Albuquerque, Amber Jean, American Dream, American Stars and Bars, Back To The Country, Bad Fog Of Loneliness, Bad News, Barefoot Floors, Barstool Blues, Beautiful Bluebird, Better Than Silver And Gold, Big Parade, Big Room, Black Coral, Blowin In The Wind, Blue Eden, Born To Run, Box Car, BOXCAR, Bright Sunny Day, Cant Believe Your Lyin, Cant Believe Your Lyin, Change Your Mind, Changin Highways, Citizen Kane Jr. Blues, Cocaine Eyes, Color By Numbers, Come A Time, Come Along And Say You Will, Come On Baby Lets Go Downtown, Comin Apart At Every Nail, COMPUTER COWBOY (AKA SYSCRUSHER), Country Girl, Country Girl (Medley), Coupe De Ville, Crime In The City, Crime In The City (Sixty To Zero Part 1), Crime Of The Heart, Cry, Cry, Cry, Cryin Eyes, Crying Eyes, Daddy Went Walkin,