Random lyrics: Andromeda Rising, Answering You, Balloons, Banquet on the Water, Easy, Firstborn of the Earth, Giving All My Love, Hide and Seek, Im Leaving, Lady Mary, Love on Ice Crystals, Man of Storm, Marlene, Mirrors, Silver Dagger, Sometimes Im a Woman, Sons of the Free, Strangers, Strangers in the Dawn, The Boulevard Song, The Murder of the Children of San Francisco, The Sun in My Eyes, This is My Song, Two Different Drummers, Take Me Out to the Ball Game!, Far Jeg Knulle Deg Johanne, Jag Trodde Anglarna Fanns, Nei-Sa Tjukk Du Har Blitt, I En Sofa Fra Ikea, MaeSjen Og Pasjen, 30 60 90, Are You There?, Back Home Years Ago, Benign, BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME, Boys Dont Cry, Boys Dont Cry, Bruise, Candy Store, Champion, Come To Say, Come To Stay, DONT BREAK MY FALL, Down When Im Loaded, Fountain Vine, Goodbye, Half An Ass, Half And Ass, Halo, HANDS OFF THE WHEEL,