Random lyrics: Come On, Cookies, Critters, Dancing Your Dreams, Dare To Dance, Decisions Decisions, Desperate For A Dog, Dont Let Your Mom Go Shopping, Double Up, Fashion Jr High, Flip, Food Court, Footprints On The Moon, Friends Forever, Gaute Ormasen-Loongest Goodbye, Gaute Ormsen-Loongest Goodbye, Gimme Pizza, Gimme The Life Of A Pirate, Give Us A Mystery, Giving Is Getting, Goin Super Fast, Goin Through Our Moms Stuff, Gonna Stay In The Bathtub (Til The Soap Disappea, Gonna Stay In The Bathtub til The Soap Disappears, Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas, Holiday In The Sun-Shades Of Love, Honky Tonk Hip Hop, How The West Was Fun, Hugged By You, I Am A Kid, I Am The Cute One, I Cant Hear My Parents Call, I Do Believe Its Christmas Eve, Id Like To Be A Cowboy, Id Rather Be Surfing, Im Still Me, Ive Got Something In My Lunchbox, Ice Cream Crazy, Ida Know, Identical Twins, If We Ran The Navy, Imagine Pachelbels Canon, Instant Party, It Was The Night Before Christmas, Its Not Me-Its You, Its Not Logical, Its Not Me Its You, Jingle Bells Rap, Just The Bare Necessities, Lazy Rainy Afternoon,