Random lyrics: I Do Believe Its Christmas Eve, Id Like To Be A Cowboy, Id Rather Be Surfing, Im Still Me, Ive Got Something In My Lunchbox, Ice Cream Crazy, Ida Know, Identical Twins, If We Ran The Navy, Imagine Pachelbels Canon, Instant Party, It Was The Night Before Christmas, Its Not Me-Its You, Its Not Logical, Its Not Me Its You, Jingle Bells Rap, Just The Bare Necessities, Lazy Rainy Afternoon, Let Your Mind Meander, Lotta Rocks, Makeover Machine, Marykate And Ashley Movie SD, Meet You At The Mall, Miami, Moms Song (We Think Well Keep You), Moms SongWe Think Well Keep You, Monday Morning, Moon Bounce Madness, Mummies Have Mommies Too, My Horse And Me, Neighborhood Kitchen Pots And Pans Rhythm Band, No One Tells The President What To Do, Nothing To Do, One Buffalo Two Buffali, One Buffaloo Two Buffali, Our Dog Has Eaten Our Homework, Peanut Butter, Pinata Party, Pool Party, Practice Practice Practice, Pullin An All Nighter, Raptor In The Woods, Rockin Around The Christmas Tree, Sand Sand Glorious Sand, Santa Knows Where You Are, Saturday Night, Scary Rides, Shades Of Love, Sharks, Show And Tell,